Funciones Speed Hack - Configurable Hit Hack - Configurable Attack In City Anti-Reflect + Hotkeys Unirian Bug + Hotkeys Accelerates Skill +. Publicado em: Cheat para 97D + 99i Mu Online testado em: MuAwaY, MuMad, Mudinho, MuFast Foto. Mu online - Cheats,Hacking updated their status. * MuBot + Pickit + Minimizer - Auto right/left click, auto pickup of items, packed with the Travis minimizer. CURRENTLY WORKING MU GOBAL DUPE HACKS/BUG: NONE CURRENTLY WORKING MU PHILIPPINES HACKS: * Speed hack/Player hack - Hit mobs quicker. * CheatHappens - Hit hack, autokill, etc. NOT WORKING * Auto Buff for elf - Enables a Elf to AFK auto buff a party. * Chaos Machine Bug - Bug that allows you to get items such as Box of lucks, Star of Sacred Birth, Medals, Sack of Magics, Heart of loves, etc.
* AutiPicker - Automatically presses spacebar so you don't have to. * Auto Repair - Obviously does what it says * MasterG's AutoClick ver 3.1 - New version of MasterG's Autoclick, with fixed errors. CURRENTLY WORKING ON MU GLOBAL Updated by asxetos on October 27 for new global *ALL THE FOLLOWING HACKS ARE BEING ADDED TO THE UC DOWNLOAD DATABASE/FTP* * BYPASS - With this bypass you can use Cheat Happens.